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Operations Manual Chapter 13 - AvGas and Lubrication Bill

Operations Manual provided courtesy of CDR Art Burke (U.S.N. Ret).

  1. General
    1. The Air Officer is charged with the operation and maintenance of the gasoline and aviation lubricating oil systems. The Machinist of the Air Department shall act as the fueling officer, and will have direct charge of the gasoline and lubricating oil systems. The personnel of the gasoline and oil details, and no others, shall operate the systems.
    2. Every officer and man is especially enjoined to exercise the utmost care and continual vigilance to prevent the explosions and fires which may attend the handling and use of such large quantities of gasoline as are required in the operation of the systems.
    3. Personnel assigned to the gasoline and oil details shall be required to pass a satisfactory examination before being detailed to this duty, such examination to be given by the Air Officer, or his assistant.
  2. Description of The Systems
    1. Gasoline System
      1. There are ten gasoline storage tanks. These tanks are divided into two groups, the forward group consisting of four tanks in the two forward compartments, and the after group consisting of six tanks in the two after compartments. The system operates on a combined hydraulic gravity and pressure system, with salt water gravity tanks supplying sufficient head to permit suction by the motor and water turbine driven gasoline pumps which supply gasoline to the outlets under pressure. The salt water overflow is used when filling and securing the system. The tanks are of galvanized mild steel and are separated from the ship's structure by a void of sufficient size to allow inspection of the exterior of each tank. The void is under continuous ventilation provided by two exhaust blowers exhausting to the weather deck. One blower provides ventilation for each group, and the two may be cross connected. The voids surrounding the tanks together with the gasoline pump room and access trunk of each group may be flooded with CO2 gas by pulling fire extinguisher toggles, one set of which is at the fourth deck level in trunk A-513-T, and the other just outside the access trunk A-516-T door on the second deck. Pulling these toggles also shuts down the ventilation blower for the group which is being smothered with C02 gas. To further smother a fire, the exhaust and ventilating ducts must be closed. The forward and after trunks, pump compartments and tanks compartments are each provided with two ventilation control stations; one inside of trunks, the other on third deck at frame 43 for forward group and at frame 57 for after group. (Wardroom and Warrant Officers' Country). These controls shall not be closed while exhaust blowers are in operation.
      2. As gasoline is withdrawn from any tank, it is replaced with salt water. Tanks are operated between the limits of 95% and 5% of their full capacities. The tanks are always 100% full of liquid. The salt water is supplied from gravity tanks in the gasoline trunks A-513-T and A-516-T and provides sufficient head to insure the suction supply to the gasoline pumps. The gasoline pumps supply gasoline to the outlets on the flight deck and hangar. Overflow from the salt water gravity tanks discharge through the ship's side at frame 41 starboard and frame 59 port at the fourth deck level. Salt water gravity tanks are supplied from either the fire main or damage control main. The level of the salt water is maintained by a flood valve.
      3. Gasoline Stowage Spaces
        1. The forward system of tanks with entrance to its access trunk A-513-T at frame 43 amidships on the second deck, is arranged as follows:
          Tank No.CompartmentFrameSideUsable Capacity in Gallons (95%)
        2. The after group of tanks with entrance to its access trunk A-516-T at frame 57 amidships on the second deck, is arranged as follows:
          Tank No.CompartmentFrameSideUsable Capacity in Gallons (95%)
           95% capacity, both groups174,970
    2. Lubricating Oil System
      1. Aviation lubricating oil of various grades is carried in six storage tanks in two compartments in the hold. The usable capacity of the storage tanks is 17,634 gallons. Three storage tanks are located adjacent to the aviation lubricating oil pump room, frames 71 to 76, hold; and three are adjacent to the forward diesel generator room, frames 76 to 82, hold. Access to these tanks is by trunk A-435-T, third deck; frame 74.
      2. There are also five service tanks and three gravity or ready-service tanks. The five service tanks are located in the lubricating oil pump room A-709-E. The lubricating oil pumps normally take a suction from one of the service tanks and discharge to the service loop or to one of the gravity tanks in the island structure at the flag bridge level. The service tanks are fitted with steam coils to permit heating of the oil as required for cold weather operation. The three gravity tanks in the island structure are also fitted with steam coils to provide for heating of oil when required.
      3. There are three oil service stations on the flight deck and four stations on the hangar deck. Provision is made for handling three grades of oil. Drain fittings are provided to permit draining of good oil back to the service tanks in the event oil from planes' tanks is drained at the end of operations in order to fill tanks the following day with hot oil. Two dirty oil drain fittings are provided on the flight deck and two on the hangar deck. The dirty oil is drained to the ships' fuel oil tanks.
  3. Inspection of The Gasoline System
    1. The entire gasoline system, including all storage tanks, lines, and pump compartments, shall be inspected daily by personnel of the gasoline detail. Before entering gasoline storage compartments, the precautions outlined in Navy Regulations, 1920, article 1363-7 (a) and in the Bureau of Construction and Repair Manual shall be carried out.
    2. The Air Department Integrity Watch shall inspect hourly to determine that intake and exhaust openings in the gasoline compartment ventilating system are clear, that the actual exhausting of air indicates that the blowers are running and that there is no odor of gasoline. The intake and exhaust openings for the forward group are at frame 38 port, forecastle level and at frame 38 starboard, forecastle level, respectively; for the after group at frame 60, starboard both for the intake and exhaust openings. The blowers are on the second deck at frame 43 amidships for the forward group, and at frame 60 amidships for the after group.
    3. Any irregularities noted on these inspections shall be reported immediately to the Officer of the Deck and the Air Officer. Gasoline vapor in sufficient concentration for the odor to be detected indicates a serious condition, and any person noting the odor of gasoline shall report the fact immediately to the Officer of the Deck.
  4. Receiving and Discharging Gasoline
    1. The Air Officer shall be in charge of the receipt and discharge of gasoline and shall see that all necessary stations are manned, and that all necessary safety precautions are carried out.
    2. The First Lieutenant shall be in charge of receiving the lighter or barge alongside, and tending it while discharging or loading gasoline.
    3. The deck divisions shall provide lines and fenders in the parts of the ship where necessary.
    4. The Officer of The Deck Shall
      1. Clear the side of the ship in the vicinity of the filling connections, located at frame 55 starboard and port at the level of the main deck.
      2. Notify the Executive Officer, Air Officer, and the First Lieutenant when the lighter is ready to come alongside.
      3. Have all ports closed on the side where the gasoline is to be received, and on the side or sides from which the salt water is to be discharged overboard.
      4. Pass the word throughout the ship that the smoking lamp is out.
      5. See that the incinerator fires are out.
      6. Notify radio central to secure high frequency transmitter and report when secured.
      7. Station sentries to prevent smoking or other fire hazards. They shall be stationed; one on flight deck; one on gallery over lighter; two on the main deck and one on the lighter, or barge.
      8. Hoist the "Baker" flag at the fore truck.
      9. Allow no power boats, tugs, locomotives, or power driven apparatus to approach within 200 feet of the side on which gasoline is being transferred.
      10. Enter in the log the amount of gasoline received, the time of commencing and ending pumping.
      11. Log the draft of the ship before and after taking gasoline aboard.
  5. Fueling Airplanes
    1. Airplanes shall be fueled in accordance with the instructions of the Air Officer, and only by the personnel of the Air Department specifically assigned to the gasoline detail.
    2. Prior to commencing fueling operations, permission shall be obtained from the Officer of the Deck, who shall:
      1. Pass the word throughout the ship that the smoking lamp is out.
      2. Notify Radio Central to secure the high frequency transmitters and report when secured.
      3. See that the fire fighting apparatus is ready and manned and that there is 125 lbs. pressure on the fire mains.
    3. There are thirty-two outlets on the flight deck and nine on the main deck. Airplanes may be fueled either on the flight deck or in the hangar. Seaplanes may be fueled from the two after flight deck outlets at frame 171-172, starboard and port sides, respectively. Whenever the gasoline system is secured, all the gasoline in the riser to the above outlets shall be drained to the level of the top of the storage tanks, and the completion of this operation shall be reported to the Officer of the Deck.
  6. Gasoline Casualties
    1. In the event of a large gasoline leak, the following action shall be taken by responsible officers and men:
      1. Report the fact immediately to the Officer of the Deck.
      2. THE OFFICER OF THE DECK SHALL IMMEDIATELY ON NOTIFICATION PASS THE WORD "OUT SMOKING LAMP." He shall direct radio central to secure all high frequency transmitting.
      3. Remove personnel from passageways and compartments adjacent to the leak and post sentries to prevent traffic in these areas.
      4. Prevent the throwing of lighted smoking material over the side.
      5. Stop all machinery in the vicinity of the leak in passageways through which vapor laden air currents might pass.
      6. Close all affected compartments until exhaust ventilation is assured.
      7. Only gas-tight lights and non-sparking footgear shall be used in the vicinity of the leak.
    2. In the event of a rupture in the gasoline line (discharge), such as the main discharge line, riser or hose, the following action shall be taken:
      1. At The Scene of The Rupture
        1. Take every precaution to prevent the ignition of the spilled gasoline.
        2. Close the hose valve, riser cutout valve, or main discharge stop valve in order to take pressure off the damaged section.
        3. Notify the gasoline pump room to stop the gasoline pump and drain system.
        4. Swab up the spilled gasoline and attempt to prevent its spreading.
        5. Assemble and prepare for immediate use, firefighting apparatus in the vicinity of the damage.
        6. Keep all personnel not engaged in combating the casualty clear of the spilled gasoline.
        7. Stop all electrical machinery in the immediate vicinity.
        8. Notify the Officer of the Deck and Air Officer.
      2. In The Pump Rooms
        1. Stop the gasoline pumps.
        2. Drain the system when so directed by the officer in charge of the gasoline system.
    3. In the event of a fire on the flight or main deck, while fueling airplanes, the following action with reference to the gasoline system shall be taken:
      1. Fueling crews discontinue fueling and haul gasoline hose clear of the fire area.
      2. Gasoline detail stop the gasoline pump, secure and drain the system.
      3. Air Department division officers send men to man gasoline system fire stations.
    4. In the event of a fire in the gasoline tank and pump compartments, the following action shall be taken:
      1. If the compartments are open:
        1. Remove any personnel in the tank compartments immediately, close the first platform manholes, proceed up to the fourth deck, pull the fire extinguisher toggles for releasing CO2 into the tank compartments only. Proceed out through the second deck access trunk door, close the access trunk door and pull all CO2 fire extinguisher toggles located outside the trunk on the bulkhead forward of the trunk door. Close suction and discharge ventilating valves for the tank compartments from the 3rd deck. Notify the Officer of the Deck by nearest telephone.
      2. If the compartments are closed
        1. The presence of fire will be evident only by smoke issuing from the ventilating exhaust. The ventilating exhaust for the forward group is located at frame 38 starboard under the machine gun platform, and for the after tank group at frame 60, starboard, under gallery walkway.
        2. Do Not open the access trunk door.
        3. Pull all the CO2 fire extinguisher toggles on the second deck adjacent to but outside the access trunk door for the tank group in which there is a fire. This action will not only release CO2 into the tank compartment, pump room and trunk for the group, but will shut down the ventilating blower for the group as well.
        4. Close the six ventilating valves for the group affected. The remote control handwheels for these valves are located at frame 43 amidships, third deck, in compartment A-306-L for the forward group; for the after group they are located at frame 57, amidships, third deck, in compartment A-306-LM (Wardroom and Warrant Officers' country).
    5. In the event that gasoline is inadvertently discharged overboard through the salt water gravity tank discharge at frame 41, starboard, and 59 port, the following action shall be taken:
      1. By The Officer of The Deck
        1. Notify the Executive Officer, the Air Officer, the Officer in charge of the gasoline system, and the personnel in the gasoline pump rooms.
        2. Have all ports closed on the side of the ship affected.
        3. Order the smoking lamp out. Prevent throwing of lighted smoking material over the side.
        4. Have power boat clear the affected area, but do not allow personnel to start their engines.
        5. Officer of the Deck establish protective boat patrol around affected area.
      2. By the officer in charge of gasoline system:
        1. The officer in charge of the gasoline system and the gasoline detail shall take immediate steps to prevent the discharge of any further gasoline.
  7. Gasoline Safety Precautions
    1. All hands shall comply fully with the gasoline safety precautions specified in paragraph # 6070.

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