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I'm indebted to many "friends of the Big E" for their personal assistance and encouragement. Arnold Olson, Public Affairs Officer for the Enterprise CV-6 Association, has provided a truly voluminous amount of reference materials, as well as constant encouragement and constructive criticism. Bill Shinneman, co-author of The Buzzard Brigade: Torpedo Squadron Ten at War has provided considerable information regarding Air Group 10 and VT-10, including numerous muster roll listings. Jack Leaming, Lee Field, Frank Albert, James Barnhill, Bill Barr, Joe Houston, Art Burke, James Ramage, Thomas Nelson, James Houston, Wilton Syckes, Don Gordon, Roy Pintacura - all officers or crewmembers of the Big E - have contributed materially to the site, and I'm honored to count them among my friends as well. Arnold Olson, Jack Leaming, Jack Glass and John "Speed" MacGlashing - all CV-6 vets - are among a number of the ship's crew who have taken the time to personally respond to inquiries about the ship and her men. Steve Singlar, Frank Belcher, James Rindt, Dan Rush, Curt Shannon, Eric Hammel, Jim Olson, Richard Mathsen, Robert Secor and Kathryn Howell have all lent the site content, and myself support and friendship. I'm grateful to all the Big E vets and site visitors who have passed on the encouraging word.
Note: Every effort is being made to ensure the accuracy of information presented on this site. While I am indebted to the authors and other contributors listed below, ultimately I bear sole responsibility for the site's content. Any errors, omissions, misstatements, distortions or unfounded opinions found here are my own, and should not be attributed to any of the sources listed below.
Joel Shepherd
CV6.ORG Webmaster
Agawa, Hiroyuki. The Reluctant Admiral: Yamamoto and the Imperial Navy. Translated by John Bester (New York: Kodansha International, 1982).
Bailey, Dan E. World War II Wrecks of the Kwajalein and Truk Lagoons. (Redding, CA.: North Valley Diver Publications, 1992)
Belote, James H. and Belote, William M. Titans of the Seas. (New York: Harper & Row, 1975).
Brown, Charles H. Dark Sky, Black Sea: Aircraft Carrier Night and All-Weather Operations. (Annapolis, MD.: Naval Institute Press, 1999).
Buell, Thomas B. The Quiet Warrior: A Biography of Admiral Raymond A. Spruance. (Annapolis, MD.: Naval Institute Press, 1987)
Burns, Eugene. Then There Was One: The U.S.S. Enterprise and the First Year of War. (New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1944).
Campbell, John. Naval Weapons of World War Two. (London: Conway Maritime Press Ltd, 1985).
Costello, John. The Pacific War. (New York: William Morrow and Company, Inc., 1982).
Cressman, Robert J.; Ewing, Steve; Tillman, Barrett; Horan, Mark; Reynolds, Clark; and Cohen, Stan. "A Glorious Page in Our History: The Battle of Midway. (Missoula, MT.: Pictorial Histories Publishing Company, 1990).
Dull, Paul S. A Battle History of the Imperial Japanese Navy (1941-1945). (Annapolis, MD.: Naval Institute Press, 1978)
Dunnigan, James F. and Nofi, Albert A. Victory At Sea. (New York: William Morrow and Company, Inc., 1995).
Ewing, Steve. USS Enterprise (CV-6): The Most Decorated Ship of World War II. (Missoula, MT.: Pictorial Histories Publishing Company, 1996).
Friedman, Norman. Naval Radar. Drawings by John Roberts (Annapolis, MD.: Naval Institute Press, 1981).
Friedman, Norman. U.S. Aircraft Carriers: An Illustrated Design History. Ship Plans by A. D. Baker III (Annapolis, MD.: Naval Institute Press, 1983).
Fuchida, Mitsuo, and Okumiya, Masatake. Midway: The Battle That Doomed Japan; The Japanese Navy's Story. (Annapolis, MD.: Naval Institute Press, 1955).
Hammel, Eric. Carrier Clash: The Invasion of Guadalcanal & the Battle of the Eastern Solomons. (Pacifica, CA.: Pacifica Press, 1997).
Hammel, Eric. Carrier Strike: The Battle of the Santa Cruz Islands. (Pacifica, CA.: Pacifica Press, 1999).
Hammel, Eric. Guadalcanal: Decision at Sea. (Pacifica, CA.: Pacifica Press, 1988).
Johnston, Stanley The Grim Reapers. (New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc., 1943)
Kernan, Alvin. Crossing the Line: A Bluejacket's World War II Odyssey. (Annapolis, MD.: Naval Institute Press, 1997).
King, Ernest J. U.S. Navy at War, 1941-1945: Official Reports to the Secretary of the Navy. (Washington, DC.: United States Navy Department, 1946).
Lundstrom, John B. The First Team: Pacific Naval Air Combat from Pearl Harbor to Midway. (Annapolis, MD.: Naval Institute Press, 1990).
Lundstrom, John B. The First Team and the Guadalcanal Campaign: Naval Fighter Combat from August to November 1942. (Annapolis, MD.: Naval Institute Press, 1994).
MacGlashing, John. Batmen: Night Air Group 90 in World War II. (St. Paul, MN.: Phalanx Publishing Company, Ltd., 1995).
Mason, Theodore C. Battleship Sailor. (Annapolis, MD.: Naval Institute Press, 1994).
Mitchell, E. Rex. The Big E and Me. (San Juan Capistrano, CA.: E. Rex Mitchell, 1993).
Moore, Stephen L., Shinneman, William J. and Gruebel, Robert. The Buzzard Brigade: Torpedo Squadron Ten at War. (Missoula, MT.: Pictorial Histories Publishing Company, 1996).
Morison, Samuel Eliot. Aleutians, Gilberts and Marshalls. Vol. 7 of History of United States Naval Operations in World War II. (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1953).
Morison, Samuel Eliot. Coral Sea, Midway and Submarine Actions. Vol. 4 of History of United States Naval Operations in World War II. (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1953).
Morison, Samuel Eliot. The Rising Sun in the Pacific. Vol. 3 of History of United States Naval Operations in World War II. (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1953).
Morison, Samuel Eliot. The Struggle for Guadalcanal. Vol. 5 of History of United States Naval Operations in World War II. (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1953).
Morison, Samuel Eliot. Supplement and General Index. Vol. 15 of History of United States Naval Operations in World War II. (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1953).
Morison, Samuel Eliot. The Two-Ocean War. (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1963).
Morison, Samuel Eliot. Victory in the Pacific. Vol. 14 of History of United States Naval Operations in World War II. (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1953).
Parshall, Jonathan, and Tully, Anthony. Shattered Sword: The Untold Story of the Battle of Midway. (Washington, DC.: Potomac Books, 2005).
Potter, Elmer Belmont. Bull Halsey. (Annapolis, MD.: Naval Institute Press, 1988).
Potter, Elmer Belmont. Nimitz. (Annapolis, MD.: Naval Institute Press, 1976).
Prange, Gordon W., Goldstein, Donald M., and Dillon, Katherine V. Miracle At Midway. (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1982).
Reynolds, Clark G. The Fast Carriers: The Forging of an Air Navy. (Annapolis, MD.: Naval Institute Press, 1992).
St. John, Philip A. USS Enterprise (CV-6). (Paducah, KY.: Turner Publishing Company, 1997).
Smith, S. E. (Ed.) The United States Navy in World War II. (New York: William Morrow & Company, Inc., 1966).
Stafford, Edward P. The Big E. (New York: Random House, Inc., 1962).
Taylor, Theodore The Magnificent Mitscher. (Annapolis, MD.: Naval Institute Press, 1991).
Wheeler, Keith The Road to Tokyo. (Alexandria, VA: Time-Life Books, 1979).
Williams, David Naval Camouflage 1941-1945: A Complete Visual Reference. (Annapolis, MD.: Naval Institute Press, 2001).
Wiper, Steve Warship Pictorial #9: Yorktown Class Carriers. (Tucson, AZ: Classic Warships Publishing, 2000).
Wooldridge, E. T. (Ed.) Carrier Warfare in the Pacific: An Oral History Collection. (Washington, DC.: Smithsonian Institute Press, 1993).
Shaw, Herbert Jr. "Affectionately Called 'The Old Lady'." Dayton Daily News (Sunday, January 9, 1944) Section 4.
Williams, Kenneth R. "USS Gregory (DD 802) Rescue at Sea." Military Magazine May 1998.
Bombing Squadron Six Action Report June 4-6, 1942.
Carriers, Pacific Fleet, Action Report June 4-6, 1942 (Serial 0144-A)
Rostker, Bernard D., Assistant Secretary of the Navy. Doolittle Raiders Bomb Tokyo. (Speech given at Pentagon, May 15, 1995).
Scouting Squadron Six Action Report June 4-6, 1942.
United States Marine Corps. United States Third Fleet Task Force 38 as of August 16, 1945.
United States Naval Institute. The Bluejacket's Manual. 12th ed. (Annapolis, MD.: U.S. Naval Institute, 1944).
USS Enterprise (CV-6) Report of Action February 1, 1942.
USS Enterprise (CV-6) Action Report June 4-6, 1942 (Serial 0133).
USS Enterprise (CV-6) Action Report June 4-6, 1942 (Serial 0137).
USS Enterprise (CV-6) Action Report February 10-23, 1945.
USS Enterprise (CV-6) Action Report February 23 - March 9, 1945.
USS Enterprise (CV-6) Deck Logs, October 1-31, 1942.
USS Enterprise (CV-6) Fly Sheet, February 16, 1945.
USS Enterprise (CV-6) War Diary, August 24-26, 1942.
USS Enterprise (CV-6) War Diary, October 25-27, 1942.
USS Enterprise (CV-6) War Diary, February 23 - March 9, 1945.
The USS Enterprise CV-6 Association, through Arnold Olson, Public Affairs Officer, has generously provided many papers and notes, based on the Association's own research efforts.
Battle Star Chronology, USS Enterprise CV-6
Chart of Damage from Bombs, Kamikazes and Near Misses, USS Enterprise CV-6
EAA Air Adventure Museum Program: USS Enterprise CV-6 Model Dedication
Enterprise Bulletin, Fall 1992
History of USS Enterprise CV-6, Sep. 1, 1945 to Oct. 31, 1945
Navigation Track, Battle of the Eastern Solomons
Olson, Arnold: Personal correspondence
Presidential Unit Citations, Navy Unit Commendations and Battle Stars by unit
Rindt, James T. Enterprise Air Group Casualty Losses 12/7/41-8/30/42.
Rindt, James T. Magic Carpet.
Rindt, James T. Officers and Men of CV-6 Who Earned 20 Battle Stars.
Scrapping of USS Enterprise CV-6
Task Force 16 Commendation: Halsey-Doolittle Mission
Task Force 58 Composition, March 14-22, 1945
USS Enterprise CV-6 WW II Reports (microfilm), December 1941 - September 1945
USS Enterprise CV-6 Operations, December 7, 1941
USS Enterprise CV-6 War Diary (microfilm), April 1942 - October 1945
Veterans of USS Enterprise CV-6 Taken Prisoner of War in WW II
VB-6 Action Reports, 2 Feb 1942 - 7 August 1942
Some material has been drawn from the letters, diary, and other materials belonging to James W. Shepherd AOM 1/c, V-5 Division, who served in Enterprise CV-6 from October 1942 to July 1945.
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Images on this site are keyed to their source, as listed below.
Barr: William T. Barr Collection
CV6A: USS Enterprise CV-6 Association (Courtesy Arnold Olson, PAO)
DR: Courtesy Daniel Rush
KB: Kit Bonner, Curator, Navy Museum, Treasure Island, San Francisco
NA: National Archives and Records Administration (College Park, Maryland)
NAL: National Museum of Naval Aviation (Pensacola, Florida)
NS, NAV: NavSource Photo Archives
USNI, UNI: United States Naval Institute (Annapolis, Maryland)
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Copyright © 1998-2006 Joel Shepherd ([email protected])
Sources and Credits