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USS Enterprise CV-6
The Most Decorated Ship of the Second World War

Self-Published Books

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To Order: Contact the author directly (addresses are listed with each item), or order more quickly via PayPal (when offered). The items listed on this page are offered for sale their authors. Questions should be directed to the individual selling the item.

From 6-S-7
by Jack Leaming
Paperback, 85 pages / Published 1998
Price: $12.95/each (includes shipping)
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Jack Leaming, an enlisted combat aircrewman in Scouting Squadron Six at the beginning of the war, was one of the first Enterprise men to engage the Japanese, as his SBD, 6-S-7, encountered the Japanese attacking Pearl Harbor, 7 December 1941. His memoir recalls his prewar experiences, Pearl Harbor, the early Pacific raids, and finally his trials as a Japanese prisoner-of-war following his capture at Marcus Island in March 1942.

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Or Contact the Author:
Send $12.95 (includes shipping) per copy to:
Jack Leaming
3315 S. Park Street
Las Vegas, NV 89117

The Galloping Ghost
by James C. Barnhill
Paperback, 102 pages / Published 1987
Price: $8.00/each (includes shipping)
A concise and detailed history of Enterprise's wartime exploits, by James Barnhill, an Aviation Ordnanceman who served in the Big E from March 1941 to July 1944. Barnhill's writing enables one to understand war as it was experienced by ship's company.
To Order: Send $8.00 (includes shipping) per copy to:
James C. Barnhill
245 Whispering Wind
Georgetown, TX 78628

My Enterprise Battles
by James C. Barnhill
Paperback, 67 pages / Published 1998
Price: $10.00/each (includes shipping)
James Barnhill recounts seventeen engagements which he served in, as a crewman in the Big E. From Pearl Harbor, to Midway, to Guadalcanal, to the Marianas Turkey Shoot, Barnhill's history is truthful, and enriched by first-hand recollections of some of the most bitterly fought engagements in naval history.
To Order: Send $10.00 (includes shipping) per copy to:
James C. Barnhill
245 Whispering Wind
Georgetown, TX 78628

From The Prairies Of Chicago
by Frank Albert
Paperback, 198 pages / Published 1995
Price: $12.00/each (includes shipping)
Read an Excerpt
In his autobiography, Frank Albert, a Shipfitter in the Big E from 1943 to 1945, recounts his childhood days growing up in Depression-era Chicago, and his service in Enterprise. In his lean and forthright style, Albert presents his experiences from boot camp to the Kamikaze attacks off Kyushu with an immediacy sure to give the reader a greater appreciation of the Pacific War as experienced by many young enlisted men.

Order via PayPal:
Or Contact the Author:
Send $12.00 (includes shipping) per copy to:
Frank Albert
4744 Lakeside Dr.
Blairsville, GA 30512

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